Equipment’s & Procedures

Viralclean insception was the result of a collaborative effort with a panel of interdisciplinary experts specializing in infectious disease and industrial hygiene.

ViralClean Professional Disinfecting Program

Why Opt for Floorite’s Professional Disinfecting Program? Floorite stands out with its dedicated Professional Disinfecting Program.

The company utilizes chemicals registered with the EPA, which have demonstrated their efficacy in eradicating viruses from various surfaces and items. Moreover, Jani-King, a name synonymous with cleaning excellence, ensures strict adherence to CDC guidelines.

This commitment translates to providing ample contact and dwell time for the disinfectants to maximize their effectiveness. With a well-established history of delivering top-tier disinfection services, ViralClean emerges as a dependable and credible choice for individuals and businesses in need of effective disinfection solutions.

Learn More about our Disinfecting Equipment & Procedures

Hydroxyl Generator

Hydroxyl generators are devices that utilize advanced technology to produce hydroxyl radicals (•OH), which are highly reactive molecules containing one oxygen and one hydrogen atom. These hydroxyl radicals are used for air and surface purification and deodorization in various indoor environments. Hydroxyl generators are often used in settings where eliminating odors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and airborne pathogens is essential. Here are the benefits of using hydroxyl generators:
1. Air and Surface Purification

Hydroxyl radicals are powerful oxidizers that can break down and neutralize a wide range of airborne pollutants, including bacteria, viruses, mold spores, allergens, and VOCs. They can also eliminate odors caused by smoke, cooking, pets, and other sources.

2. Non-Toxic and Safe

Unlike some other air purification methods that might involve the use of chemicals or ozone, hydroxyl generators produce hydroxyl radicals naturally and do not introduce harmful byproducts into the environment. This makes them safe for humans, pets, and the environment.

3. Continuous Operation

Hydroxyl generators can operate continuously without the need for occupants to leave the area being treated. This is in contrast to ozone generators, which often require people and pets to vacate the premises during treatment.

4. No Residue

Hydroxyl radicals break down pollutants into harmless substances, leaving no residue behind. This can be especially beneficial for eliminating odors without leaving any masking fragrances or chemical residues.

5. Broad Spectrum Efficacy

Hydroxyl radicals target a wide range of pollutants, including volatile organic compounds, bacteria, viruses, and mold spores. This versatility makes them suitable for various indoor environments, such as homes, offices, healthcare facilities, and hospitality settings.

6. Quick Treatment

Hydroxyl generators work rapidly to neutralize pollutants and eliminate odors. This can be particularly useful for addressing immediate air quality and odor issues.

7. Improves Indoor Air Quality

By effectively removing pollutants and odors from the air and surfaces, hydroxyl generators contribute to healthier indoor air quality, reducing the potential for respiratory issues and allergies.

8. Enhances Occupant Comfort

Clean, odor-free air improves the overall comfort of indoor spaces, making them more pleasant for occupants.

9. Versatility

Hydroxyl generators can be used in various settings, including homes, offices, hotels, gyms, schools, healthcare facilities, and more.

10. Reduced Maintenance

Unlike some other air purification systems that require regular filter replacement or maintenance, hydroxyl generators typically have minimal maintenance requirements.

It’s important to note that while hydroxyl generators can be highly effective for air and surface purification, their performance can vary based on factors such as the size of the area being treated, the concentration of pollutants, and the specific hydroxyl generator technology being used. When considering using a hydroxyl generator, it’s recommended to consult with professionals in the field to determine the most appropriate solution for your specific needs.

Electrostatic Disinfection Sprayer

An electrostatic disinfection sprayer is a specialized device used for applying disinfectant solutions onto surfaces. It employs the principle of electrostatics to evenly and efficiently coat objects and areas with a charged mist of disinfectant particles.

1. Charging

The disinfectant solution is charged with an electrical charge as it passes through the sprayer. This charge causes the disinfectant droplets to become positively charged.

2. Spraying

The positively charged disinfectant droplets are then expelled from the sprayer’s nozzle. These droplets repel each other due to their similar charges, resulting in a fine mist that spreads out evenly.

3. Attracting Surfaces

As the positively charged droplets are released, they are attracted to negatively charged surfaces. Most surfaces in the environment tend to have a slight negative charge, making them an ideal target for the positively charged disinfectant particles.

4. Adhesion

The attraction between the charged droplets and surfaces is stronger than the natural tendency of droplets to simply fall to the ground due to gravity. This means that the disinfectant particles adhere to surfaces, including those that might be difficult to reach with traditional spraying methods.

The key benefits of electrostatic disinfection sprayers include:

Uniform Coverage:

The charged particles ensure that the disinfectant coats surfaces evenly, even those that might be difficult to reach using traditional methods.


The electrostatic attraction between the droplets and surfaces reduces overspray and wastage, making the process more efficient.


Since the process provides more comprehensive coverage in less time, it can be quicker compared to traditional disinfection methods.

Effective Disinfection

The electrostatically charged particles improve the adherence of the disinfectant to surfaces, potentially increasing its effectiveness.


Electrostatic sprayers can be used on a wide range of surfaces and settings, including offices, homes, hospitals, schools, and public spaces.

Disinfecting Fogging Equipment
Disinfecting fogging equipment is specialized machinery designed to disperse disinfectant solutions in the form of fine droplets or mist, creating a fog-like cloud that covers surfaces and objects. This method is particularly effective for disinfecting large areas, intricate spaces, and hard-to-reach surfaces. Here are the benefits of using disinfecting fogging equipment:
1. Comprehensive Coverage

Fogging equipment produces a mist that can reach a wide range of surfaces, including those that are difficult to access using traditional cleaning methods. It provides more comprehensive coverage compared to manual wiping or spraying.

2. Time and Labor Efficiency

Fogging can cover large areas quickly, making it a time-efficient method for disinfecting spaces such as classrooms, offices, warehouses, and public transportation.

3. Reduced Cross-Contamination

Manual cleaning methods can sometimes spread germs and contaminants from one surface to another. Fogging reduces the need for physical contact with surfaces, minimizing the risk of cross-contamination.

4. Consistent Application

Fogging ensures consistent application of the disinfectant solution across surfaces, reducing the likelihood of missed spots.

5. No Manual Scrubbing

Fogging eliminates the need for manual scrubbing or wiping, which can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially in larger areas.

6. Efficient for Complex Spaces

Fogging is particularly effective for spaces with complex layouts, intricate equipment, or areas that are hard to reach. It can reach corners, crevices, and areas that might be overlooked during manual cleaning.

7. Reduced Downtime

Since fogging is quick and efficient, it can help minimize the disruption caused by cleaning and disinfection procedures, allowing businesses and facilities to resume operations sooner.

8. Minimal Chemical Usage

Fogging requires less disinfectant solution compared to traditional methods, as the fine mist generated by the equipment covers surfaces evenly with less waste.

9. Airborne Pathogens

Fogging can help target airborne pathogens, reducing the risk of infections that can be transmitted through respiratory droplets.

10. Safe for Electronics

Many disinfecting fogging solutions are safe for use around electronics and sensitive equipment, making it suitable for disinfecting technology-rich environments.

11. Emergency Response

Fogging equipment can be used in emergency situations, such as outbreaks of infectious diseases, to rapidly disinfect areas and help contain the spread of pathogens.

12. Customizable:

Some fogging equipment allows for adjustable droplet sizes and spray patterns, enabling users to tailor the treatment to different surfaces and environments.

Despite its advantages, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of disinfecting fogging equipment depends on factors such as the type of disinfectant used, the correct application technique, and the specific environment being treated. Proper training, adherence to guidelines, and choosing the right disinfectant solution are crucial to ensuring successful disinfection outcomes.

Disinfecting – Manual Cleaning

Disinfecting areas by spraying and wiping down is a common and effective method of cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. This approach involves applying a disinfectant solution using a spray bottle or similar device and then wiping the surface with a clean cloth or disposable wipe. Here are the benefits of disinfecting areas using the spray and wipe method:

1. Precision and Control

Spraying allows for targeted application of disinfectant to specific areas that require attention. This precision is especially useful for high-touch surfaces and areas with visible dirt or contaminants.

2. Visual Confirmation

Wiping down surfaces provides visual confirmation of the cleaning process. As you wipe, you can see dirt and grime being removed, indicating that the surface is being cleaned effectively.

3. Physical Removal of Dirt

Wiping down surfaces physically removes dirt, dust, and debris along with any potential pathogens. This two-step process addresses both cleanliness and sanitization.

4. Thorough Coverage

Wiping down surfaces ensures comprehensive coverage, as the cloth or wipe can reach into crevices and corners that might be missed by other methods.

5. Customizable Pressure

The pressure applied during wiping can be adjusted based on the surface material to avoid damaging delicate surfaces while effectively removing contaminants.

6. Economical Use of Disinfectant

Spraying allows you to control the amount of disinfectant applied, reducing waste and ensuring that the solution is used efficiently.

7. Real-time Feedback

When wiping a surface, you can feel resistance or stickiness, which can indicate the presence of residues or contaminants that need further attention.

8. Immediate Results

Spray and wipe disinfection provides immediate results. Once the surface is wiped down, it’s visibly cleaner and has a tactile feel of cleanliness.

9. Safe for Electronics

This method is often safe for electronics and sensitive equipment, as you have direct control over where the disinfectant is applied and how much is used.

10. Flexibility in Cleaning Agents

Depending on the specific surface and cleaning goals, you can choose different types of disinfectants, such as alcohol-based solutions, hydrogen peroxide-based solutions, or quaternary ammonium compounds.

11. No Residue Concerns

Proper wiping helps remove both the disinfectant and any contaminants, leaving behind no residue that might be a concern in certain environments.

12. Immediate Reuse

After wiping down, surfaces are typically ready for immediate use, which is important in settings where downtime needs to be minimized.

13. Interaction with Staff

The process of physically wiping down surfaces can also promote good hygiene practices and remind individuals to be conscious of cleanliness.

While spray and wipe disinfection offers numerous benefits, it’s important to follow manufacturer instructions for both the disinfectant solution and the wiping materials to ensure proper efficacy and to avoid damaging surfaces. Additionally, in high-traffic areas or during outbreaks, frequent cleaning cycles might be necessary to maintain a consistently sanitized environment.

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